Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slight Delay.

Hi everyone. My magic 8 ball was wrong. I'm not going to post the recipe today. Why? Well, I didn't have time to before work because I was trying to find a dentist that is open on Friday so my husband can go get a tooth pulled. Bless his heart, he comes in and has to go straight to the dental chair. Major suckage.

Have you noticed my penchant for making up words? Suckage. Spaztastic. Another example, instead of using the F word, I use truck instead. As in - back the truck up. I'm not kidding. Quick joke. What word beings with the letter f and ends with uck? Hey. I just told you I don't use that word. Acceptable answers are firetruck and fastduck. Thank you, I'll be here all week.

I've been mulling over the advice from Anonymous to try to get into professional writing, and I've decided to give it a whirl. A friend told me earlier today that I needed to pick someone or something local to write about and they would help me get it printed. Yeah. I'm scared spitless. I was at work when he told me that. I was thinking about it there and a woman walked in and I decided it was her that I needed to talk to. I'm not giving anymore details because if it falls through, then I'll have gotten my & your hopes up for nothing. I'm really excited about this, so I'm gonna play it close to the vest for a bit.

Alright. Time for more exciting news. I've lost 37 lbs. Yay me! Since September 26, I've had 513 page hits, with 1 from Lebanon, 2 from Canada, and 3 from Denmark. All I can say is... Holy wow, Batman. I've got the biggest grin on my face.

Well, it's time to go to sleep. I've got to get up early again so I can take my Granny to the Dr's office. If there's anything you'd like to ask, leave it in the comments. To my overseas readers, welcome. And to Anonymous, thanks for the support. Do I know you? If not, how did you hear about my blog? I'm just so curious. Anyway. Good night.

Love to all,


  1. Glad to see you have taken my advice on using your natural talents as a writer. I sensed you being apprehensive because of the possibility of failure. Tom Perry wrote “One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." Are you going to let the possibility of failure keep your from finding your place in the world? Wouldn't that be a shame for the people who might receive some pleasure or be inspired from what you write. Even worse, what opportunities might you miss by not trying. It seems a opportunity has already been presented to you. What are you going to do with it?

  2. I'm not sure how others see me. I'm not fishing for compliments, I promise. I've been told I'm a very good writer, by you and others. I am worried about failing, but... I will do this. I will just take my time and ease into it. To be quite honest, I couldn't sleep last night because of the ideas running through my head. I'm excited to see where it goes.
