Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hiding Out.

I've been laying low for awhile. I usually try to post every other day or so, but there's been alot going on. I worked 33 hours in 3 days, which I'm totally cool with. I just feel so drained. For the last two days, I've laid low, piled up in my bed catching up on the tv shows I've been queuing on Hulu.

I love that website. Since I work nights, I'm not always able to catch the shows I'm addicted to. I have lots of addictions. Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Blue Bloods, Family Guy, the list goes on. Usually when I come home from work, I eat dinner, I play with the dogs, then I pass out. So... on my first day off, I start laundry then I grab my laptop and vegetate.

Do other grown people do this? I mean, seriously? Know what I did last night? I picked up a pizza and a six pack of Bud Light. (Wait. Are you shocked? Yes. I drink.)

I've had alot on my mind lately. Remember I was worried about my Grandma? Well, I talked with her about a week or so ago. She and I had a conversation with her doctor, and he took her very seriously. He scheduled several tests, including a MRI. Thankfully, it came back good. He also scheduled a test to check for Carotid Artery Stenosis which can cause a stroke, which can cause memory loss. It shows she has some blockage. So.. good news and bad news.

Remember my Minion? She was rushed to the hospital today. Why? Because she is completely irresponsible with herself. She is diabetic, but she refuses to take care of herself. She won't eat healthy. She will not take her insulin shots like she needs to. For example, today. She came home from school early because she wasn't feeling well. Her sugar was so high, it wouldn't register on the EMT's glucose monitor. How did that happen you wonder? Let's see. The most likely culprit? The canister of chocolate frosting in her book bag. When the ambulance finally got there, she had already started turning purple and was losing sight. When they got to the hospital and checked her glucose it was over 1200. TWELVE HUNDRED! I'm so mad right now. I'm torn between banging my head against a brick wall and taking a belt to her butt. Yes, I know. Violence never solves anything.

Anyway, I'm tired, I'm frustrated, and I'm worried. I'm going to sleep and hopefully in the morning I'll wake up and I'll find out I won the lottery. Wait. I don't play the lottery. Dang. Oh well. Night All

Love to all,

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